And, even if he is, in an age of collective leadership and ossified vested interests, will he be able to act on his convictions? 即便他是,但在一个领导权由集体分享、既得利益集团固化的时代,他有能力践行他的信念吗?
However, there are still many defects in the application of the system of collective leadership in our party. 但是,党的集体领导的制度,在实践中还是有许多缺点。
If your leading body is going to succeed, it is essential for you to form a collective leadership. 你们这个班子要搞好,关键是要形成集体领导。
The solution of all these problems hinges on strengthening collective leadership and opposing decentralism. 所有这些问题的解决,关键是巩固集体领导,反对分散主义。
That way you can work independently, which is good because it means the new collective leadership can temper itself. 这样你们可以放手工作,对于新的集体自我锻炼也有好处。
A collective leadership must have a core; without a core, no leadership can be strong enough. 任何一个领导集体都要有一个核心,没有核心的领导是靠不住的。
To create a healthy political culture, with collective leadership and coordinated team work developing the party. 打造一个健康的政治文化,集体领导,群策群力,推动党务。
This practice of personal arbitrary action under the guise of collective leadership must be resolutely opposed. 这种以集体领导的外表掩盖个人专断的实质的办法,必须坚决加以反对。
Combating decentralism will win maximum popular approval because most comrades in the Party care about collective leadership. 反对分散主义,是最得人心的,因为党内大多数同志是关心集体领导的。
Equal emphasis should be placed on collective leadership and individual responsibility. All members of the Cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken. 集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。所有内阁成员对所作决定集体负责。
We firmly believe in collective leadership ( that theory). 我们坚决相信应依靠集体领导[这个理论]。
We are trying our best to develop a system of collective leadership and a flow of successors. 我们努力在发展集体领导体系及连续的接班人们出现。
The Chinese Communist Partys third generation of collective leadership, with Jiang Ze-minas its core, inherited and developed the Partys policy of "one country two systems". 党的第三代领导集体形成以来的十多年间,国际国内形势都发生了重大的变化,时代的发展呼唤着理论创新。
We should improve the system of division of work and individual responsibility under the collective leadership by Party committees for greater efficiency. 进一步完善集体领导下的个人分工负责制,提高工作效率。
Of course, the system of collective leadership existed long before this decision was made. 当然,集体领导的制度在这个决定之前早就存在了。
Ever since the establishment of this collective leadership, I have been arranging for my successor. 这个集体一建立,我就一直在安排接班的问题。
Collective leadership with division of labour and individual responsibility should be practised at all levels. 各级都要实行集体领导、分工负责。
There is also a collective leadership of education as well. 还有一个集体的领导的教育方式也是如此。
Chief internal organs collective leadership and the head of the combination. 4, project management principles. 行政机关内部实行集体领导和首长负责相结合。4、计划管理原则。
Function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of labour 实行集体领导和个人分工负责制相结合的制度
To ensure the triumph of the cause of socialism, we must exercise collective leadership and oppose decentralism and subjectivism. 为了保证社会主义事业的成功,必须实行集体领导,反对分散主义,反对主观主义。
Furthermore, we must take care that neither collective leadership nor personal responsibility is overemphasized to the neglect of the other. 此外,还须注意,集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。
But the most pressing challenge for the new collective leadership one that will be hamstrung by the existence of strong political fiefdoms and a relatively weak centre is how to deal with a strategic environment that has deteriorated markedly from the Saudi vantage point. 但沙特新领导集体最紧迫的挑战是,如何应对相对于沙特曾经的优势地位已经明显恶化的战略环境。沙特存在强大的政治封地,而政治中心相对弱势,这将削弱这个新的领导集体。
The destiny of the country, the party and the people hinges on a strong collective leadership such as I have described. 国家的命运、党的命运、人民的命运需要有这样一个领导集体。
That was the first generation of collective leadership. 这就是我们党第一代的领导。
We stress collective leadership, and when we discuss succession nowadays we mean collective succession; this is very good and very important. The method and experience of standardizing shift-making training 我们强调集体领导,这次讲接班也是集体接班,这很好,很重要。规范全院交接班制度的实施与体会
At the Third Plenary Session of its Eleventh Central Committee, the Party established a new collective leadership& the second generation. 党的十一届三中全会建立了一个新的领导集体,这就是第二代的领导集体。
There should be collective leadership in settling major issues. 集体领导解决重大问题;
We must understand that collective leadership and personal responsibility are two aspects which are not opposed but are linked to each other. 必须懂得,集体领导和个人负责这样两个方面,不是互相对立的,而是互相结合的。
It reflects attention to "harmonious society" of collective leadership of the party, also reflects yearning and pursuit of people to "harmonious society". 它反映了党的领导集体对和谐社会的重视,也反映了社会广大群众对和谐社会的向往和追求。